Oral Surgery In Schertz

Comprehensive Oral Surgery

Oral surgery can be scary. But at Strahler Dental Partners, we make the process simple, and we do everything we can to keep you feeling safe and comfortable. With our advanced technology and Dr. Cody Strahler’s expertise, you’ll be in good hands during your treatment.

We’re ready to handle a wide variety of surgical treatments, from simple tooth extractions and wisdom tooth extractions to treatments like bone grafting and tori removal. If you need oral surgery in Schertz, get in touch for a consultation with your Schertz dentist right away.

Emergency Oral Surgery

Sometimes, you can’t wait. If you need an emergency extraction or any other emergency oral surgery in Schertz, we’re here to help. Call us right away to speak with our dental team. We’ll fit you in as soon as we can, often on the same day that you call. So don’t wait. The sooner you get emergency care, the sooner you can get back to your day-to-day routine.

Our Oral Surgery Services

At Strahler Dental Partners, we’re fully equipped to handle most oral surgeries, ranging from simple procedures like tooth extractions to more complex treatments like sinus lifts.

Tooth Extractions

We will always try to save your tooth whenever possible. But in some cases, tooth extractions may be the best way to relieve pain, prevent complications, and restore your oral health. Dr. Strahler provides gentle, pain-free extractions in Schertz.

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

If your wisdom teeth aren’t coming in properly, this can cause pain, discomfort, a higher risk of tooth decay, and lots of other problems. We’re here to help. Dr. Strahler can examine your mouth, determine if your wisdom teeth need to come out, and get your oral health back on track.

Impacted Wisdom Tooth Extractions

If your wisdom teeth are impacted (not fully erupted from the gums), Dr. Strahler can perform a surgical extraction. In this procedure, he’ll make a small opening into the gums. Through this opening, he will cut the tooth into pieces and remove it bit by bit. Once the tooth has been fully extracted, he’ll clean and suture the extraction site.

Bone Grafts

You may need a bone graft after treatment for gum disease, or to prepare for a dental implant. In this process, Dr. Strahler will make a small opening in the jaw bone, and place special bone powder in the area. Over time, your natural jaw bone heals around this powder, strengthening and restoring your jaw.

Sinus Lifts

A sinus lift is the same as a bone graft, but it’s done in the upper jaw. The sinuses are really close to your jaw bone. So during this procedure, Dr. Strahler must “lift” the sinus lining to make room for your bone graft.


After a tooth extraction, there are often bony, sharp ridges left around your empty tooth socket. These can interfere with things like dental implant placement or denture fitting. Alveoloplasty is a procedure that’s done to smooth down these sockets. Depending on your case, it may be done during an extraction, or as a separate procedure.

Tori Removal

Dental tori are harmless bone growths on the bottom of your mouth or the roof of your mouth. They're more common in older patients. While they're not harmful, they can interfere with dental implants, dentures, or dental bridges. If that’s the case, they must be removed. Tori removal is a simple surgical procedure. Dr. Strahler will use special tools to remove the bone growth from the mouth, then sanitize and suture the area to allow it to heal.


Does Oral Surgery Hurt?

Not at all. Your mouth will be numb throughout your surgery, so you won’t feel any discomfort. We also offer a variety of sedation options for patients at Strahler Dental Partners, ranging from laughing gas (nitrous oxide) to IV sedation. That means you can relax. Dr. Strahler and our team will provide you with the gentle treatment you need in a comfortable, judgment-free environment.

How to Prepare for Oral Surgery?

It’s normal to be apprehensive about an upcoming oral surgery, but adequate preparation will help ensure a seamless and successful surgical procedure and recovery. To adequately prepare for your oral surgery, carefully read all pre-op instructions and follow them to the letter. This might involve staying away from certain foods and activities before the surgery. 

You’ll also want to get all necessary medication before the surgery so you can fully focus on healing after the surgery. And since you’ll likely switch to a restricted diet after the surgery, it’ll be in your best interest to buy everything you need to avoid inconveniences down the line.

What Can I Expect When Recovering After Oral Surgery?

Healing periods vary anywhere from a couple of days to months, depending on the type of surgery you underwent. On average healing takes between 7 to 15 days, and proper care is necessary to prevent complications. The dentist might schedule postoperative visits which you should keep without fail.

You may experience swelling, tenderness, bleeding, and dizziness after the surgery. This is perfectly normal, and is no cause of alarm. You can use an ice pack to reduce the swelling and painkillers to quell the pain.

You should also avoid strenuous activity a few days after  the surgery, and stick to a diet of liquids and soft foods. Lastly, practice proper oral hygiene to avoid exacerbating these symptoms.

Will I Be Able to Receive Sedation?

Sedation is necessary for oral surgery to ensure a painless procedure. Depending on the patient and the type of surgery, the doctor may administer local or general anesthesia. Local anesthetic is generally administered via injection.

Patients resistant or allergic to local anesthetic may receive general anesthesia. The dentist may also administer it for very invasive oral surgeries like corrective jaw surgery.

General anesthetic used for your surgery may include nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral conscious sedation, or IV sedation. These are administered through a mask worn over the nose, an IV drip, or via a pill taken orally. These anesthetics put you to sleep or dampen anxiety. Often, dentists use a combination of both local and general anesthesia for the best results. 

What Are the Do’s and Don’ts of Oral Surgery

The Do’s 
Brush your teeth gently and floss them twice daily after the oral surgery. Also, get some quality rest and sleep for at least 8 hours or more every night following the surgery. Use a warm water solution to rinse your mouth but don’t spit the water out forcefully. Apply ice packs on the surgery site at least 3 times a day at 15-minute intervals to reduce the swelling.

The Don'ts 
Wait at least 24 hours or more to exercise or engage in any strenuous activity after the surgery. Avoid brushing the surgical site or near it, but instead brush the other teeth gently with a soft-bristled brush. Also, don’t use a straw to avoid applying pressure that may dislodge clots on the surgical site and lead to bleeding.

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